Saturday, November 20, 2010
Sayembara Perancangan Koridor Jl. Jnd. Sudirman – Jl. RE Martadinata
Monday, November 1, 2010
The Brisbane Ideas Competition 2011
The Competition
The 2011 Brisbane Ideas Competition is a forum for discussion about the future of Brisbane. It is open to all members of the public and is intended to encourage debate and discovery. The theme of this year's competition is expressed in the two following questions;
"What is missing from Brisbane?" & "What does Brisbane need for the future?"
There is a large amount of public infrastructure built, under construction and planned for Brisbane. There are new people visiting and moving to Brisbane each week. How will the city adapt to climate change? All of these factors influence the future and add to the cultural mix of the city. But what is missing? what is needed? This competition aims to discover your visions for Brisbane and imagine a positive future of what could be.
By proposing these intentionally broad and ambiguous questions we hope to encourage debate and discussion across a wide fields about the future of our city. As a practice of ethical professionals who understand and appreciate our responsibility to the future generations who occupy our city, we hope the inaugural Brisbane Ideas competition will facilitate debate, discussion and discovery.
It is the hope that the broad entry requirements will solicit entries across a wide range of disciplines, from Architecture, Art, Science, Urban Design, Engineering among others. While we expect a wide range of entries, please ensure they are all graphically represented and meet the submission requirements. We would encourage entries from the large urban scale thru to the bespoke artefact.
The final outcome of the competition will be a series of exhibitions throughout the city, opening with a one month exhibition of the grand prize winner and the honourable mentions. Held in a public venue in the heart of the central business district, adjacent to the government precinct of the city, . It is through this wide and continued exposure that the the competition will encourage discussion and debate about the proposals and the future of our city. Finally this is expected to be a fun competition.
Dateline submission stage 1: 10th of January 2011
Competition Detail here.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Sayembara Gedung Human Capital Development Center (Learning Center) Bank Indonesia
Monday, September 20, 2010
FuturArc Prize 2011
The FuturArc Prize 2011 Competition is open internationally to any Individual or Team meeting eligibility requirements. The Competition is divided into two categories: ‘Professional’ and ‘Student'. For detail info please go here. Image is courtesy of |
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Schindler Award 2010
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Friday, January 22, 2010
Sayembara Desain & Kompetisi Arsitektur 2010
The Competition invites qualified professionals in the fields of architecture, engineering, landscape architecture, planning and surveying and the general public to contribute ideas and concepts on the design for the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities (HKBCF) for reference and future implementation by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSARG). A competition co-organized by 4 government departments and 5 professional institutions in Hong Kong to invite design ideas globally and encourage public participation in development of a new boundary crossing facilities. The aim is to construct one of the most innovative, attractive, efficient, users and environmentally friendly boundary crossing facilities with advanced technology and energy efficient design. The new facilities will be located on a 130-hectares reclamation island and will become a new landmark in Hong Kong, reflecting the city as a vibrant international and metropolitan city.
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Saturday, January 16, 2010
Sayembara Desain Arsitektur ITB 2010
Sayembara Paket I
Paket kompetisi ini terdiri dari usulan desain awal (Preliminary Design) dari tiga buah gedung dan desain ulang Gerbang Utara Kampus ITB. Ketiga gedung tersebut terletak pada bagian utara kampus ITB, dengan rincian sebagai berikut:
1. Center for Advanced Studies (CAS)
2. Center for Research and Community Services (CRCS)
3. Center for Arts, Design and Language (CADL)
Sayembara Paket II
Sayembara Paket 2 terdiri dari atas perancangan satu Gedung Center for Infrastructure and Built Environment (CIBE). Gedung ini akan dibangun di sekitar titik 6°53'29" LS, 107°36'31" BT, yaitu di sebelah barat Gedung Program Studi Fisika dan Program Studi Teknik Sipil, dan sebelah utara dari Gedung Basic Science. Gedung CIBE ini akan diisi dengan fasilitas laboratorium dan kantor untuk Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan (FTSL) ITB. Gedung ini akan memiliki 10 lantai dengan 1 lantai basement dan luas lantai total 11.000 meter persegi.
Kriteria Umum Perancangan
Perlu diperhatikan bahwa rancangan yang akan diajukan hendaknya memenuhi kriteria berikut ini:
•Isu keberlanjutan, terutama isu gedung dengan perawatan mudah dan murah (low maintenance building)
•Memperhatikan konsep bangunan hijau, terutama konsep gedung dengan konsumsi energi yang rendah
•Merespon kondisi khusus dari masing-masing gedung
•Kepraktisan sistem konstruksi dan biaya konstruksi yang rendah (biaya konstruksi antara Rp. 4 juta hingga Rp. 4,5 juta per meter persegi)
•Memperhatikan ketahanan struktur terhadap gempa
•Memperhatikan desain dan akses bagi penyandang cacat
•Mempertahankan lingkungan yang ramah terhadap pejalan kaki dalam kampus ITB
•Mempertahankan suasana hijau lingkungan kampus ITB
Pendaftaran on-line 11 Januari 2010 - 8 Februari 2010
Tanya Jawab on-line 11 Januari 2010 - 10 Februari 2010
(Jawaban akan diterbitkan setiap dua pekan)
Batas Pengumpulan Paket 1 : 16 Februari 2010 pukul 16:00 WIB
Paket 2 : 22 Februari 2010 pukul 16:00 WIB
Pameran 23 - 25 Februari 2010
Penjurian 2 Maret 2010
Pengumuman Pemenang 8 Maret 2010
Penyerahan Hadiah 8 Maret 2010
Penandatanganan kontrak pengembangan
desain pasca sayembara 8 Maret 2010
Proses pengembangan desain awal pasca sayembara Juli - September 2010
Sayembara Desain ITB ini terbuka bagi seluruh arsitek berwarga negara Indonesia baik secara individu maupun tim yang bertempat tinggal di Indonesia maupun di luar negeri. Untuk peserta tim, setidaknya dua orang anggota tim memiliki gelar setingkat Sarjana Teknik di bidang arsitektur.
Juri, konsultan teknik, panitia sayembara beserta pegawai atau anggota keluarganya tidak diperkenankan mengikuti sayembara ini.
Juri Sayembara Paket 1 dan Paket 2 terdiri dari 5 (lima) anggota, yaitu:
•Ir. Endy Subijono, IAI, Ketua Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia
•Dr. Ir. Iwan Sudradjat, MSA, Dekan Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Kebijakan (SAPPK) ITB
•Louise Cox, Presiden UIA (The International Union of Architects)
•Prof. Ir. Gunawan Tjahjono, Ph.D., M.Arch., IAI, Dosen Arsitektur Universitas Indonesia
•Ir. R. Muslinang Moestopo, MSEM, Ph.D., Ahli rekayasa struktur, Staf Ahli Wakil Rektor Bidang Organisasi dan Perencanaan ITB.
Paket 1 (Gedung CRCS, CAS, dan CADL)
Juara 1 Rp 100,000,000
Juara 2 Rp 30, 000,000
Juara 3 Rp 20,000,000
Paket 2 (Gedung CIBE)
Juara 1 Rp 60,000,000
Juara 2 Rp 20,000,000
Juara 3 Rp 10,000,000
Note: Jumlah belum dipotong pajak.
Jika info dalam blog ini membantu anda, silahkan beri tanggapan, kritik, saran dan komentar. Dengan demikian, kami dapat memberi informasi yang lebih baik. Thanks.
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